
Top 10 Litigation Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Litigation Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Stephanie Whitchurch Limited 53.0773613 -0.8097844 30823

Stephanie Whitchurch Limited



Stephen Richard Peter LLP 52.4785688 -1.9003594 18121

Stephen Richard Peter LLP


Stephenson Harwood LLP 51.5172773 -0.0824216 17545

Stephenson Harwood LLP



Stephensons 52.4802137 -2.1220637 26387



Stepien Lake LLP 51.5182733 -0.1500375 19876

Stepien Lake LLP


Sterling Solicitors 52.4670565 -1.849726 23293

Sterling Solicitors


Sterling Winshaw Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3941 Litigation Law solicitor firms in the UK

Sterling Winshaw Solicitors Ltd have Litigation Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Sterling Winshaw Solicitors Ltd 51.5681853 -0.2324861 27523 Sterling Winshaw Solicitors Ltd

Sterling Winshaw Solicitors Ltd


Stevensdrake Limited 51.1176193 -0.1891474 19890

Stevensdrake Limited


Stevens Machi Solicitors 51.4613968 -0.0108856 19081

Stevens Machi Solicitors


Stevenson Glassey Solicitors 53.4374575 -2.161314 19041

Stevenson Glassey Solicitors



Stevensons 52.7107275 0.9275103 25471



Stewart And Co. Solicitors Limited 53.521479 -1.1256956 18905

Stewart And Co. Solicitors Limited


Stoke White Ltd 51.5130532 -0.0759839 27953

Stoke White Ltd


Stone White Solicitors Limited 51.9117753 -0.3880388 28563

Stone White Solicitors Limited


Storrar Cowdry & Co Limited 53.188427 -2.8924148 15545

Storrar Cowdry & Co Limited



Stradbrooks Global Limited 51.5508166 0.0253087 16400

Stradbrooks Global Limited


Strain And Company 52.8895126 -4.4163429 28099

Strain And Company


Strata Solicitors Limited 52.1606344 -0.9309484 17074

Strata Solicitors Limited


St Valchikwe Solicitors 51.5653105 0.1026279 20930

St Valchikwe Solicitors


Sublime Solicitors 51.4789684 -0.4149158 27826

Sublime Solicitors


Sullivan & Cromwell Mnp LLP 51.5167723 -0.1078101 24449

Sullivan & Cromwell Mnp LLP


Sullivan & Worcester Uk LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 16668

Sullivan & Worcester Uk LLP



Summit Law LLP 51.5206388 -0.1257111 21469

Summit Law LLP


Supreme Solicitors 51.5296409 0.1892509 19000

Supreme Solicitors


Suriya & Co 51.4289528 -0.1696729 15440

Suriya & Co


Surrey Solicitors 51.4088979 -0.1224043 23170

Surrey Solicitors


Surrogacy Lawyers Limited 51.7491555 -0.3260513 16491

Surrogacy Lawyers Limited


Susan Hall & Co Solicitors Limited 51.9471248 -0.2790112 20402

Susan Hall & Co Solicitors Limited


Sussex Legal Consultants Limited 50.7678729 0.2821807 28726

Sussex Legal Consultants Limited



Sutton-mattocks & Co LLP 51.474964 -0.2393126 21304

Sutton-mattocks & Co LLP

