
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in West Midlands

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in West Midlands. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Mary Monson Solicitors Limited 52.4898185 -1.911695 21965

Mary Monson Solicitors Limited



Ma Solicitors Limited 52.4550871 -1.8777708 18354

Ma Solicitors Limited


Mbc Law Limited 52.4837914 -1.8959215 18287

Mbc Law Limited


Mb Solicitors 52.4467291 -1.857931 16747

Mb Solicitors


Mcfaddens LLP 52.47263 -1.9252144 22447

Mcfaddens LLP


Middleton Dummer 52.4841862 -2.017671 26648

Middleton Dummer



Morgan Phelps Limited 52.4236318 -2.1177945 13898

Morgan Phelps Limited


Moseley Chapman & Skemp Solicitors Limited 52.5657359 -1.8216985 20963

Moseley Chapman & Skemp Solicitors Limited


Mph Solicitors Limited 52.4861489 -1.8888384 39153

Mph Solicitors Limited


Mushtaq & Co 52.47288040000001 -1.8991565 25307

Mushtaq & Co


Naz Hussain Solicitors 52.5876421 -1.985418 16390

Naz Hussain Solicitors


N D & P Solicitors Ltd 52.4849307 -1.9037234 16998

N D & P Solicitors Ltd


Newhall Solicitors LLP 52.4829353 -1.9041401 15873

Newhall Solicitors LLP


Newton Law Practice 52.5453108 -1.9361803 24375

Newton Law Practice


Onyx Solicitors Limited 52.5306975 -1.8580148 21827

Onyx Solicitors Limited



Owen Nash & Co 52.5849007 -1.9779465 25212

Owen Nash & Co


Pearman Smith 52.5876409 -1.9773442 25249

Pearman Smith


Pinsent Masons LLP 52.4834183 -1.9011056 29114

Pinsent Masons LLP



Pinsent Masons LLP 52.4815938 -1.9000993 21665

Pinsent Masons LLP


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 52.4834183 -1.9011056 13527

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Q&a Legal Limited 52.48646110000001 -1.9619909 27599

Q&a Legal Limited


QGLaw 52.4771129 -1.9080838 47306



Rashid & Co Solicitors Ltd 52.51226200000001 -1.8855547 14745

Rashid & Co Solicitors Ltd


Red Lion Law Ltd 52.5112537 -1.8931165 27969

Red Lion Law Ltd


Richard Nelson LLP 52.4822195 -1.897486 19195

Richard Nelson LLP


R Mcveighty Solicitor 52.4453271 -1.8232731 24649

R Mcveighty Solicitor


Rn Solicitors 52.4594185 -1.8947426 13534

Rn Solicitors


R N Williams & Co Limited 52.5881881 -2.133213 8240

R N Williams & Co Limited


Rodl & Partner Legal Ltd 52.48290489999999 -1.9000024 20172

Rodl & Partner Legal Ltd


Rowland Tildesley & Harris 52.5805464 -2.0543833 26349

Rowland Tildesley & Harris

