
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Umbrella Legal Limited 53.7824898 -1.7582061 23397

Umbrella Legal Limited


Underwood Solicitors LLP 51.51848 -0.1500292 23547

Underwood Solicitors LLP


Vachaviolos Solicitors 51.7313246 0.6771994 21737

Vachaviolos Solicitors


Val Madine Llb 52.1732972 -1.5506586 22008

Val Madine Llb


Vanessa Ganguin Immigration Law Limited 51.5213021 -0.0841273 14851

Vanessa Ganguin Immigration Law Limited


Vanguard Solicitors Limited 51.59389609999999 -0.3353889 14121

Vanguard Solicitors Limited


Vanstone Law Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4599 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Vanstone Law Limited have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Vanstone Law Limited 53.5837829 -2.2958826 15082 Vanstone Law Limited

Vanstone Law Limited


Vcw Law Limited 54.5650357 -1.3118919 26008

Vcw Law Limited


Ved & Co 51.547172 -0.2279018 26334

Ved & Co


Veer Solicitors Limited 51.5157627 -0.4125053 16087

Veer Solicitors Limited


Veja & Co Solicitors Limited 51.5239763 -0.4295759 21532

Veja & Co Solicitors Limited


Velma Ferdinand Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4599 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Velma Ferdinand Limited have Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Velma Ferdinand Limited 52.6354286 -1.1295547 16718 Velma Ferdinand Limited

Velma Ferdinand Limited


Venire Law Ltd 53.4434993 -2.1991207 28066

Venire Law Ltd


Ventis & Co Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4599 Consumer solicitor firms in the UK

Ventis & Co Solicitors Ltd have 1 Consumer solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Ventis & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.5971041 -0.0319037 15829 Ventis & Co Solicitors Ltd

Ventis & Co Solicitors Ltd


Veritas Law Limited 53.7562045 -2.4878319 17195

Veritas Law Limited


V. E. White & Co. Ltd 51.348307 0.5947884 22813

V. E. White & Co. Ltd


Vicarage Court Solicitors Limited 52.4703135 -1.9301056 19882

Vicarage Court Solicitors Limited



Viceroy Law Limited 53.4553794 -2.2032469 15646

Viceroy Law Limited


Viceroy Legal Limited 51.51472099999999 -0.0973285 27949

Viceroy Legal Limited



Vickers & Co 51.51098229999999 -0.3179923 26331

Vickers & Co


Victoria & Co 51.4804481 -0.3126208 23936

Victoria & Co



Victory Solicitors 51.4215382 -0.1278563 19842

Victory Solicitors


Viking Law Limited 51.1332278 -0.1923943 17346

Viking Law Limited


Vincent Mccarthy Solicitors 51.5455037 0.6829765 17626

Vincent Mccarthy Solicitors


Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP 52.3972967 -0.5379754 21908

Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP


Vinson & Elkins R.l.l.p. 51.5115622 -0.0843334 25195

Vinson & Elkins R.l.l.p.


Virdee Solicitors Limited 51.499198 -0.1972747 16730

Virdee Solicitors Limited


Vision Solicitors Limited 51.5179754 -0.1121564 15956

Vision Solicitors Limited


Vivash Brand LLP 51.3721091 -0.2257041 14924

Vivash Brand LLP


Vivienne Robinson Ltd 52.3300253 0.3403265 16206

Vivienne Robinson Ltd

