
Top 10 Consumer Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Consumer solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Buxton Ryan & Co Solicitors 51.8127427 0.1492792 24097

Buxton Ryan & Co Solicitors


Bw Legal Services Ltd 53.7869879 -1.5463393 17286

Bw Legal Services Ltd



Byrne Frodsham & Co 53.3692018 -2.7259975 27258

Byrne Frodsham & Co


Byrne Law 51.5984642 -0.1192598 17098

Byrne Law



Byrt & Co Solicitors 51.5118547 -0.1252502 24007

Byrt & Co Solicitors


Caddick Davies Solicitors Limited 53.4479204 -2.9851483 15695

Caddick Davies Solicitors Limited


Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP 51.5168684 -0.0827126 24724

Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP


Cahill Gordon & Reindel (uk) LLP 51.5098987 -0.0859884 15117

Cahill Gordon & Reindel (uk) LLP



Cale Solicitors 51.4730708 -0.0181389 21174

Cale Solicitors


Calices Solicitors 51.5148696 -0.0694072 18580

Calices Solicitors



Callistes 51.459816 -0.1253249 24145



Cambridge Family Law Practice LLP 52.2037834 0.1286442 22266

Cambridge Family Law Practice LLP



Cambridge Legal Practice Limited 52.1946399 0.1333395 15512

Cambridge Legal Practice Limited


Cameron Jones Hussell & Howe Ltd 51.5932849 -3.7798741 17483

Cameron Jones Hussell & Howe Ltd


Camilla Baldwin Limited 51.5085881 -0.1460347 19938

Camilla Baldwin Limited


Cam Legal Services Ltd 52.3741783 1.1284366 16722

Cam Legal Services Ltd


Campbell Chambers Solicitors 51.5150356 -0.1138777 15018

Campbell Chambers Solicitors


Campbell Hooper & Co LLP 51.3931214 -0.6288227 24034

Campbell Hooper & Co LLP


Campbell Johnston Clark Limited 51.5123156 -0.0726858 16514

Campbell Johnston Clark Limited


Campbell-taylor Solicitors 51.5707606 -0.094764 24943

Campbell-taylor Solicitors


Campion Solicitors Limited 53.32742890000001 -3.0928794 15275

Campion Solicitors Limited


Candey Limited 51.51722299999999 -0.1134559 15373

Candey Limited


Candey Parker Legal Services Limited 51.5182709 -0.1026023 17663

Candey Parker Legal Services Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.476852 -3.1678687 22729

Capital Law Limited


Capital Solicitors LLP 51.5232647 -0.0110446 18342

Capital Solicitors LLP


Cap Law Solicitors Ltd 52.4845181 -1.9047993 16860

Cap Law Solicitors Ltd



Capper & Jones 53.1681594 -3.1415291 27068

Capper & Jones



Capsticks Solicitors LLP 51.4210524 -0.2077581 20989

Capsticks Solicitors LLP


Cardium Law Limited 51.5119208 -0.1063176 28395

Cardium Law Limited


Carla Hull Solicitors Limited 52.4176568 -1.7578213 21461

Carla Hull Solicitors Limited

