
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Lawsons Solicitors 53.6831749 -1.4984027 22440

Lawsons Solicitors


Law Tribe 53.1022841 -2.4307688 15955

Law Tribe

(0) 53.8283134 -3.0305642 25569


Lb And Co. Solicitors 51.5399517 -0.0537378 13824

Lb And Co. Solicitors


Ldj Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4242 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Ldj Solicitors 52.5215256 -1.4703599 31789 Ldj Solicitors

Ldj Solicitors


Leanne Allcock-Mead Solicitors 51.7399242 0.6849162 28794

Leanne Allcock-Mead Solicitors


Leasehold Law LLP 51.37508589999999 -0.0911786 14892

Leasehold Law LLP


Lee Associates 51.4352145 -0.1583731 23465

Lee Associates


Lee & Company 51.3373398 -0.745737 26058

Lee & Company


Lee & Kan Solicitors 51.5128108 -0.1333249 16034

Lee & Kan Solicitors


Legal Affairs Solicitors 52.5857189 -2.1305488 14921

Legal Affairs Solicitors


Legal Clarity Limited 52.481931 -1.9050475 16959

Legal Clarity Limited


Legal & Property Limited 51.79411529999999 -0.6623874 21672

Legal & Property Limited



Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd 51.5776033 0.0659912 28014

Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd


Leigh Duncan LLP 51.6107867 -0.6462201 13701

Leigh Duncan LLP


Leslie Trevor Limited 51.1430602 0.2598805 27854

Leslie Trevor Limited


Lewis & Co 53.5416292 -2.1095747 24074

Lewis & Co


Lewis Denley Limited 51.0652674 -0.3294826 28795

Lewis Denley Limited


Lewis Lewis & Company Limited 51.8198619 -4.4957215 23506

Lewis Lewis & Company Limited


Lewis & Lines 51.7298917 -3.1350601 25417

Lewis & Lines


Lewis Townsend LLP 51.5177409 -0.0904449 14351

Lewis Townsend LLP


Lex House Limited 51.5021503 -3.189099 27508

Lex House Limited



Lexpert Solicitors LLP 51.516355 -0.0722414 13613

Lexpert Solicitors LLP


Lexsure Solicitors 51.51945689999999 -0.1603433 13129

Lexsure Solicitors


L Francis Services Ltd 51.3648135 -0.4594463 17347

L Francis Services Ltd


Lgss Law Ltd 52.3307391 -0.1854077 15071

Lgss Law Ltd


Lgwp Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 27796

Lgwp Limited


Liberty & Co Solicitors 51.4831576 -0.0647985 19224

Liberty & Co Solicitors


Liberty Wall LLP 51.541641 0.0019137 31052

Liberty Wall LLP



Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited 52.644292 -0.4956901 13959

Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited

