
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

James Chan & Co 51.5143336 -0.1049134 25106

James Chan & Co


James E Baird (solicitor) Limited 54.9050509 -1.3788308 15351

James E Baird (solicitor) Limited


Jane Moore Solicitors 51.1928085 0.2087253 21452

Jane Moore Solicitors


Janet L Jordan & Co 51.5411373 -3.266105 24222

Janet L Jordan & Co


J A Solicitor 52.3900963 -1.5973201 15885

J A Solicitor


J A Stevens & Co 51.3338581 -0.2643619 25762

J A Stevens & Co


Jaswal Johnston LLP 51.5176162 -0.1408972 21054

Jaswal Johnston LLP


Jayne Willetts & Co Solicitors Limited 52.4161528 -2.120225 17948

Jayne Willetts & Co Solicitors Limited


Jbs Solicitors Limited 51.56497719999999 0.1878317 19620

Jbs Solicitors Limited


Jcp Law 50.8664694 -1.8662605 22303

Jcp Law


Jeffreys & Powell 51.947174 -3.38937 16421

Jeffreys & Powell


Jeffreys Solicitors 51.7143694 -4.040576 18518

Jeffreys Solicitors


Jenner & Block London LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 15156

Jenner & Block London LLP


Jeremy Simon & Co 51.6537288 -0.3980338 25193

Jeremy Simon & Co


Jeya & Co Solicitors 51.5426026 0.0503693 24542

Jeya & Co Solicitors


Jg Poole & Co LLP 52.3874274 0.260578 15675

Jg Poole & Co LLP


Jk Walmsley 51.61298859999999 -0.2806291 22581

Jk Walmsley


Jl Advisors Limited 51.7163283 -1.2149502 16832

Jl Advisors Limited


Jlh Legal Limited 53.8035443 -1.5451248 30741

Jlh Legal Limited


J L Tarr Limited 52.7363204 -1.1533641 19652

J L Tarr Limited


Jmc Law Ltd 51.5193474 -0.1132817 15149

Jmc Law Ltd


Jobsons Solicitors Limited 52.7570312 -2.1075463 18094

Jobsons Solicitors Limited


Joelson LLP 51.5196408 -0.1443895 20733

Joelson LLP


Joffe & Partners LLP 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28198

Joffe & Partners LLP


John Barkers Solicitors Limited 53.5748711 -0.0740989 31508

John Barkers Solicitors Limited


John Farr-davies & Company 51.8563722 -4.3050552 27003

John Farr-davies & Company


John Gaunt & Partners 53.3679897 -1.4888554 25072

John Gaunt & Partners


John P Martin & Co 54.275643 -0.4006719 25332

John P Martin & Co


John Southworth (ll.b.) Solicitor 51.5742815 -0.6980425 24089

John Southworth (ll.b.) Solicitor


Jones Day 51.512261 -0.107435 24808

Jones Day

