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How Exclusive Law Ltd Compares

Value for money


Limited data.

This firm - 97%
National Average
Poor Competitive Excellent

Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.

This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Exclusive Law Ltd on ReviewSolicitors.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask reviewer questions about the value for money they felt they received by using Exclusive Law Ltd. These questions include:

  • Value for money (a rating of 1-5)
  • How much were you initially quoted or how much did you expect to pay?
  • Approximately how much did you end up spending for the legal services provided (ignoring disbursements and court fees)
  • Did you think this was underpriced, overpriced or about right?
  • Overall experience

We use data science to amalgamate the answers to these questions and create a ‘ReviewSolicitors score’ out of 100. The above chart representation score is a simple percentage representation of the averaged score across those who have reviewed this law firm.

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Would recommend to
friends and family

This firm - 97%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Exclusive Law Ltd and have had a satisfactory experience where they have indicated that they would recommend the services of the law firm to their friends and family.

You can use this data to see how Exclusive Law Ltd performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 97%
No 3%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Satisfied with
outcome of matter

This firm - 97%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Exclusive Law Ltd and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.

You can use this data to see how Exclusive Law Ltd compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 97%
No 3%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Rankings by area of expertise

The rankings below show the areas of expertise that Exclusive Law Ltd offers to clients. You can see how good the service offered is in comparison to all other law firms nationally.

Data shown above is based on the reviews and client feedback collected by ReviewSolicitors over the last 12 months.

Review Sources

Client Reviews


Reviews summary

  • Excellent

  • Very Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Awful


Overall experience

  • Value For Money
  • Communication
  • Initial Impressions
  • Approachability
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Legal knowledge


December 22, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:

Terrible customer service

Avoid this Solicitor. They don't care about customer service only money

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Reviews collected from


Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


November 17, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:


From start to finish they did everything and kept me informed. I was on the other side of the world whilst the house was being sold and it all went very smoothly. I would certainly use them again if I ever return to the UK.

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November 01, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:


We used exclusive law conveyancing for a property purchase. The overall process took approx 12 weeks. My solicitor Ahsan was excellent throughout- he was proactive and the communication was outstanding. If we were unsure of anything, Ahsan would ring to explain it to ensure we were fully informed. He also displayed great knowledge and made sure we did not complete on the property until every enquiry was satisfied to a high level ⭐️

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October 19, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:



Having an offer accept back in May this solicitor is used by the vendor and let me tell you there rubbish. Numerous time our solicitors have tried to contact them to get information regarding the property and they expect the vendor to have this when its their job to get the information. Never have I ever dealt with such rubbish and lazy company. To date we have still not moved into our property and now we fear if the house will complete before the mortgage expires. No matter how many email exchanges there has been they just don't reply.
Honestly there just rubbish.

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October 12, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:


Ahsan was outstanding in his communication throughout our house purchase. He came on to our case while another colleague was out and he was nothing but super helpful, replying to emails promptly and providing us with easy to digest information. Since he joined our contract things have been moving quickly and we reached the completion date we desired.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


September 20, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:


I recently purchased a property and had the pleasure of working with Exclusive Law for my legal needs. I cannot express how impressed I am with the outstanding service provided by this law firm, especially solicitor Ahsan Khan.

Ahsan Khan demonstrated an exceptional level of professionalism and dedication to ensuring that my legal matters were handled seamlessly. What truly stood out was his unwavering commitment to being there every step of the way. His personalized and attentive follow-up was remarkable. He consistently replied to my inquiries promptly, ensuring that I was always kept informed and my questions were thoroughly addressed. Even during busy periods, he made it a point to prioritize my concerns.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the entire team at Exclusive Law for their exemplary service. Thanks to them, my property purchase went smoothly, and I felt supported and confident throughout the process.

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Exclusive Law Ltd are accredited by


About this branch


One of the major benefits of choosing Executive Law is that we are a champion of victims’ rights and an advocate of blameless victims in obtaining access to the compensation they deserve, but without the personal financial risks that are often associated with seeking justice. We are devoted to our clients and in ensuring that they achieve the compensation they are rightly due. Our claim experts have the knowledge and experience to help you in your claim when you have found yourself in need of some advice in regard to suffering an accident at work or on the roads, substandard medical care, or as a victim of sexual and or violent crime.

Regulated by

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Legal services

Personal areas of law

  • Clinical Negligence
    • Clinical Negligence
    • Dental Negligence
    • Medical Negligence
  • Crime/ Criminal Defence
    • Assault
    • Domestic violence
  • Housing & Property
    • Purchase and Sale
    • Residential Conveyancing
  • Personal Injury
    • Accident Abroad
    • Accident At Work
    • Accidents At Sea And Cruise Injury
    • Accidents In Public Places
    • Back Injury At Work
    • Cycling Accident
    • Motorbike Accident
    • Personal Injury Law
    • Road Traffic Accident
    • Supermarket Accident
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