
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Lee Pomeranc Limited 51.5896953 -0.2200834 21531

Lee Pomeranc Limited


Legal Clarity Limited 52.481931 -1.9050475 16959

Legal Clarity Limited


Legal & Property Limited 51.79411529999999 -0.6623874 21672

Legal & Property Limited



Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd 51.5776033 0.0659912 28014

Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd


Leigh Duncan LLP 51.6107867 -0.6462201 13701

Leigh Duncan LLP


Leslie Trevor Limited 51.1430602 0.2598805 27854

Leslie Trevor Limited



Lever Law Limited 54.776945 -1.5670165 29793

Lever Law Limited


Lewis Denley Limited 51.0652674 -0.3294826 28795

Lewis Denley Limited


Lewis Lewis & Company Limited 51.8198619 -4.4957215 23506

Lewis Lewis & Company Limited


Lewis & Lines 51.7298917 -3.1350601 25417

Lewis & Lines


Lewis Townsend LLP 51.5177409 -0.0904449 14351

Lewis Townsend LLP


Lex House Limited 51.5021503 -3.189099 27508

Lex House Limited


Lexsure Solicitors 51.51945689999999 -0.1603433 13129

Lexsure Solicitors


Lgss Law Ltd 52.3307391 -0.1854077 15071

Lgss Law Ltd


Lgwp Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 27796

Lgwp Limited


Liberty Wall LLP 51.541641 0.0019137 31052

Liberty Wall LLP


Lightfoots LLP 51.7473849 -0.9786232 20767

Lightfoots LLP


Linklaters LLP 51.5202958 -0.09216869999999999 22226

Linklaters LLP


Linkside Solicitors 51.53401359999999 -0.6587353 19739

Linkside Solicitors


Linkworths Limited 51.5563095 -0.0743047 28429

Linkworths Limited


Lisa Tonge Solicitors 53.524573 -2.396396 23678

Lisa Tonge Solicitors


Living Spring Solicitors 51.474445 -0.0217838 28436

Living Spring Solicitors


Lkny Law 51.4943337 -0.2267824 19969

Lkny Law


Llewellyn-jones Limited 53.16684799999999 -3.1395347 18752

Llewellyn-jones Limited


Lloyd Rehman & Co 51.51415799999999 -0.100179 25291

Lloyd Rehman & Co


Lloyds Cooper LLP 52.2261379 -2.7391473 19747

Lloyds Cooper LLP


Lmk Law 51.61732569999999 -0.3118103 26093

Lmk Law


Locke Lord (uk) LLP 51.5210583 -0.079188 21646

Locke Lord (uk) LLP


Lockett Loveday Mcmahon 53.4764531 -2.2439076 24286

Lockett Loveday Mcmahon



Lock & Marlborough 51.5022617 -0.281529 25970

Lock & Marlborough

