
Top 10 Commercial Litigation Matters Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Litigation Matters solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Jr Legal Services Limited 51.51427899999999 -0.11045 15848

Jr Legal Services Limited


J S Lane & Co In Assoc With Russell Hobson & Co 51.6452459 -0.3640279 25932

J S Lane & Co In Assoc With Russell Hobson & Co


Judge Law Solicitors Ltd 51.4752891 -0.5150186999999999 27448

Judge Law Solicitors Ltd


Judge Sykes Frixou Limited 51.51389760000001 -0.1186087 26651

Judge Sykes Frixou Limited


Julian James 51.5469119 -0.1351169 24633

Julian James


Jurit LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2559 Commercial Litigation Matters solicitor firms in the UK

Jurit LLP 51.5129066 -0.0890185 16140 Jurit LLP

Jurit LLP


Just Houses Limited 53.7966468 -1.6618295 17256

Just Houses Limited


Jwss Law LLP 51.51073239999999 -0.1169377 21287

Jwss Law LLP


Kagan Moss & Co 51.4256671 -0.3353094 26711

Kagan Moss & Co


Karam, Missick & Traube LLP 51.5061402 -0.1371552 20500

Karam, Missick & Traube LLP


Karen Wallis Law LLP 50.6367263 -4.3581837 21064

Karen Wallis Law LLP


Karen Wootliff 51.576984 -0.1915138 17038

Karen Wootliff


Kathryn Meir Limited 52.9525987 -1.151036 19768

Kathryn Meir Limited



Katten Muchin Rosenman Uk LLP 51.5144926 -0.09807529999999999 23076

Katten Muchin Rosenman Uk LLP


Kaurmaxwell Ltd 51.5185008 -0.1123941 28301

Kaurmaxwell Ltd


Kb Law Solicitors Ltd 51.48374560000001 -0.6167022 14209

Kb Law Solicitors Ltd



Kd Law Limited 51.51424309999999 -0.1488028 20306

Kd Law Limited


Keates Ferris 51.5155138 -0.0967212 13775

Keates Ferris


Keelys LLP 52.68457189999999 -1.8281831 21224

Keelys LLP


Kemps Solicitors 53.5398078 -2.115666 24715

Kemps Solicitors



Kennard Wells Solicitors 51.5696405 0.0131581 24404

Kennard Wells Solicitors


Kennedys Singapore LLP 51.5128076 -0.0807502 19686

Kennedys Singapore LLP



0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2559 Commercial Litigation Matters solicitor firms in the UK

Kensingtons have Commercial Litigation Matters solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Kensingtons 51.4913805 -0.206962 38786 Kensingtons



Keogh Caisley Limited 51.13395509999999 0.261906 15581

Keogh Caisley Limited


Kerman Legal Services Ltd 51.5129062 -0.1134325 29767

Kerman Legal Services Ltd


Kesteven Partners Limited 52.235259 0.1537001 14602

Kesteven Partners Limited


Keystone Law Limited 51.5168812 -0.1123314 23570

Keystone Law Limited


Kfb Consultancy Limited 50.8177155 -4.2535988 20484

Kfb Consultancy Limited


Kiers & Co 51.5247932 -0.0740763 26522

Kiers & Co


Kilpatrick & Co 51.539466 -0.6560172 25384

Kilpatrick & Co

