
Top 10 Company & Commercial Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Company & Commercial solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Brown Rudnick LLP 51.51100899999999 -0.142175 24133

Brown Rudnick LLP


Brown & Vautier Limited 51.2316948 -2.3225871 15087

Brown & Vautier Limited


Brumell & Sample Limited 55.1675304 -1.6892028 27284

Brumell & Sample Limited


Brunel Solicitors 52.5959079 -1.1863944 15821

Brunel Solicitors


Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP 51.510341 -0.08885209999999999 22896

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP


Bryan & Co 54.54255449999999 -1.1986899 22200

Bryan & Co


Bryan O'connor & Co 51.5050535 -0.09051429999999999 26224

Bryan O'connor & Co



Bs Solicitors Limited 51.5631677 0.067858 14611

Bs Solicitors Limited


Buchanans Solicitors 51.60227279999999 -0.7094145 21783

Buchanans Solicitors


Buckworths Limited 51.5227936 -0.08046009999999999 18523

Buckworths Limited


Bude Storz 51.5729165 -0.0721439 24988

Bude Storz


Bugden & Co 51.511678 -0.0776703 19289

Bugden & Co


Buglear Bate & Co 51.31506359999999 -0.5602089 26134

Buglear Bate & Co


Bukhari & Co Solicitors Ltd 53.8368139 -2.2173243 23155

Bukhari & Co Solicitors Ltd


Bulfin & Co 51.5768291 -0.3974196 25297

Bulfin & Co


Burgate Litigation Services Ltd 50.9413111 -1.796277 14375

Burgate Litigation Services Ltd


Burges Salmon LLP 54.5942129 -5.9245059 1706

Burges Salmon LLP


Burke Niazi Limited 51.5583008 -0.1196188 19425

Burke Niazi Limited


Burketts Solicitors 51.5398308 0.7133767 22138

Burketts Solicitors


Burstalls 53.7435243 -0.3330425 27264



Burstow Solicitors 51.18102 -0.1201887 20003

Burstow Solicitors


Burton And Dyson Limited 53.3995618 -0.7764027 14064

Burton And Dyson Limited


Burton Woolf & Turk 51.5189847 -0.1067094 18864

Burton Woolf & Turk


Business Counsel Limited 51.4258776 -1.7029021 16804

Business Counsel Limited


Buzz Law Limited 53.3679897 -1.4888554 14863

Buzz Law Limited


Bw Legal Services Ltd 53.7869879 -1.5463393 17286

Bw Legal Services Ltd


By Law Limited 51.5113513 -0.1403511 28050

By Law Limited



Byrne Frodsham & Co 53.3692018 -2.7259975 27258

Byrne Frodsham & Co


Byrne Law 51.5984642 -0.1192598 17098

Byrne Law


Bywaters Topham Phillips LLP 53.97757480000001 -1.5198498 19923

Bywaters Topham Phillips LLP

