
Top 10 Litigation Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Litigation Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Morris And Bates Limited 52.4148952 -4.0810071 19049

Morris And Bates Limited


Morris & Co Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3943 Litigation Law solicitor firms in the UK

Morris & Co Solicitors have Litigation Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Morris & Co Solicitors 51.8372942 0.5121936 23437 Morris & Co Solicitors

Morris & Co Solicitors


Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP 51.5133777 -0.0817627 24564

Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP


Morrison Spowart Ltd 51.4450634 -0.0194957 14446

Morrison Spowart Ltd


Morris Orman Hearle 51.9002963 -2.0806161 25062

Morris Orman Hearle


Mortimer Clarke Solicitors Limited 50.8109109 -0.3738795 14431

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors Limited


Mortimers Solicitors Limited 52.5358545 -2.4220284 31646

Mortimers Solicitors Limited


Morton Eaves Limited 50.940431 -2.6357338 21865

Morton Eaves Limited


Moseley Chapman & Skemp Solicitors Limited 52.5657359 -1.8216985 20963

Moseley Chapman & Skemp Solicitors Limited


Mossop & Bowser 52.8050981 0.0096854 26612

Mossop & Bowser


Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP 51.4760267 -0.0474598 24257

Mountain Partnership Solicitors LLP


Mowll Limited 51.1518806 1.2907462 15729

Mowll Limited


Moxon And Barker LLP 53.6916089 -1.3139882 17803

Moxon And Barker LLP


Mpb Solicitors 51.4585723 -0.2079585 13999

Mpb Solicitors


Mph Solicitors Limited 53.3860174 -1.4654255 18425

Mph Solicitors Limited


Mrh Solicitors Limited 53.5763824 -2.4250769 20325

Mrh Solicitors Limited


M R Negotiators Limited 53.48108209999999 -2.248304 21724

M R Negotiators Limited


M-r Solicitors LLP 51.5973531 0.02188 19024

M-r Solicitors LLP


Ms-legal Solicitors 51.5179754 -0.1121564 23008

Ms-legal Solicitors


Ms Rubric Law Limited 51.6008404 -2.6127194 18031

Ms Rubric Law Limited



M & S Solicitors Limited 52.6916746 -1.4236223 23947

M & S Solicitors Limited


Muckle LLP 54.9741927 -1.6189744 22917

Muckle LLP



Mulcahy Smith Limited 54.9605228 -1.60433 16372

Mulcahy Smith Limited



Mullenders Solicitors 51.320762 -0.5541465999999999 25757

Mullenders Solicitors


Murdochs Law Ltd 51.5796912 0.0243118 28223

Murdochs Law Ltd


Murrell Associates LLP 50.2643333 -5.0518627 18279

Murrell Associates LLP


Muscatt Black Graf LLP 51.52065169999999 -0.1566006 21325

Muscatt Black Graf LLP


Mushtaq & Co 52.47288040000001 -1.8991565 25307

Mushtaq & Co


Mustafa Solicitors 53.4430679 -2.1907075 25298

Mustafa Solicitors


M Vasuki & Co Ltd 51.5419648 0.0575226 28520

M Vasuki & Co Ltd

