
Top 10 Crime/ Criminal Defence Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Baker & Mckenzie LLP 51.5133709 -0.1037715 23097

Baker & Mckenzie LLP


Ballinger Law Limited 51.5150448 -0.08779039999999999 13886

Ballinger Law Limited


Bankside Commercial Limited 51.5113936 -0.1082924 23636

Bankside Commercial Limited


Bankside Law Limited 51.5158987 -0.1122572 24197

Bankside Law Limited


Banks Kelly Solicitors Limited 51.5113936 -0.1082924 19474

Banks Kelly Solicitors Limited


Barker Gooch & Swailes 51.6336352 -0.1037163 27111

Barker Gooch & Swailes


Barnes & Jones Limited 51.4616692 -0.1151107 27880

Barnes & Jones Limited



Barrett Nelligan Solicitors Limited 53.9245011 -3.0110496 18825

Barrett Nelligan Solicitors Limited


Barry Ashton 52.9701031 -3.1691071 24285

Barry Ashton



Barry Culshaw 50.8672886 -1.268954 25975

Barry Culshaw


Bay Advocates Limited 50.4698189 -3.5358921 22445

Bay Advocates Limited



Bbansal Limited 51.5200691 -0.1182103 13437

Bbansal Limited


Bb Law Ltd 53.1735122 -2.254392 989

Bb Law Ltd



Bbmw Limited 50.8271778 -0.1645975 14928

Bbmw Limited


Bc Legal Ltd 51.5364373 0.7103915 15136

Bc Legal Ltd


Bcl Solicitors LLP 51.5149465 -0.1178449 30703

Bcl Solicitors LLP


B D Solicitors Limited 52.57305 -0.2419742 19249

B D Solicitors Limited


Beale & Company Solicitors LLP 51.5122836 -0.08776189999999999 23326

Beale & Company Solicitors LLP


Be Equal Limited 51.5179957 -0.1484056 13664

Be Equal Limited


Bellevue Law Limited 51.4598026 -0.1662874 13731

Bellevue Law Limited



Ben Darlington Solicitors Limited 51.5279778 -0.1269091 29795

Ben Darlington Solicitors Limited


Benson Ingram Law LLP 51.5119732 -0.0929578 17362

Benson Ingram Law LLP



Beps (deptford) Limited 51.48074949999999 -0.0266057 15066

Beps (deptford) Limited


Berlad Graham LLP 51.5440165 -0.4777597 18230

Berlad Graham LLP


Bermans (2012) Limited 53.4095264 -2.99088 15811

Bermans (2012) Limited


Bernard Solicitors 53.8007502 -1.5509463 19299

Bernard Solicitors



Berri's Law LLP 51.50906759999999 -0.3496101 28518

Berri's Law LLP


Beynon & Co 52.4283929 -1.8838891 23421

Beynon & Co


Bhandal Law Limited 52.9534696 -1.152511 14522

Bhandal Law Limited



Binas Solicitors Limited 53.4467347 -2.19101 15964

Binas Solicitors Limited

