
Top 10 Crime/ Criminal Defence Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Clifton Solicitors & Advocates 51.4577879 -0.1956508 13632

Clifton Solicitors & Advocates


Cls Solicitors 53.6754197 -1.3592261 20039

Cls Solicitors


Clyde & Co Claims LLP 51.5155047 -0.0807089 20721

Clyde & Co Claims LLP


Cms Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olswang LLP 51.5117135 -0.0914031 23034

Cms Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olswang LLP


Cocks Lloyd 52.5193786 -1.4667309 27198

Cocks Lloyd



Cohen Cramer Limited 53.8010125 -1.5562271 15961

Cohen Cramer Limited


Coleridge Law Ltd 52.4832133 -1.89286 15316

Coleridge Law Ltd


Commercial And Business Lawyers Ltd 53.3787165 -2.1327858 15917

Commercial And Business Lawyers Ltd


Coninghams 51.492642 -0.1407754 24666



Connor Ross-brown Solicitors 53.6166649 -2.1566461 17591

Connor Ross-brown Solicitors


Cooke, Young & Keidan LLP 51.5124293 -0.0872216 20936

Cooke, Young & Keidan LLP


Cooley (uk) LLP 51.5168684 -0.0827126 15116

Cooley (uk) LLP


Cooper & Co 51.1504765 1.2889387 24788

Cooper & Co


Corker Binning Solicitors 51.5161867 -0.1116613 24277

Corker Binning Solicitors


Cornerstone Lawyers Limited have Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cornerstone Lawyers Limited 51.4694126 -0.1091109 34107

Cornerstone Lawyers Limited


@cornwall Law LLP 50.2646805 -5.0564459 18036

@cornwall Law LLP


Cotisens Ltd 51.5384848 0.07994799999999999 23919

Cotisens Ltd


Cousins & Co Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2125 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitor firms in the UK

Cousins & Co Solicitors Ltd have 1 Crime/ Criminal Defence solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Cousins & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.0798217 1.178144 36705 Cousins & Co Solicitors Ltd

Cousins & Co Solicitors Ltd


Covington & Burling LLP 51.5134757 -0.1147348 25302

Covington & Burling LLP



Cowley Di Giorgio 52.13906309999999 -0.468341 26059

Cowley Di Giorgio


Cox Burley Solicitors 50.4562186 -4.4482892 21780

Cox Burley Solicitors


Coyle White Devine Limited 51.67151339999999 -0.5751691 19103

Coyle White Devine Limited


C P Christou LLP 51.6270662 -0.174916 19858

C P Christou LLP


Crater Law Solicitors Ltd 53.3839043 -1.4713153 16225

Crater Law Solicitors Ltd


Crawford & Company Legal Services Limited 53.4109146 -2.9947335 13351

Crawford & Company Legal Services Limited


Crawshaw Solicitors Limited 51.4144739 -2.7452621 28465

Crawshaw Solicitors Limited


Criminal Defence Milton Keynes Solicitors Ltd 51.9942462 -0.7322582 16397

Criminal Defence Milton Keynes Solicitors Ltd


Crosse Wyatt Solicitors 51.0182002 -3.8328528 27177

Crosse Wyatt Solicitors


Crossmans 51.29201510000001 -2.4474185 25482



Crowe Humble Wesencraft 54.9773732 -1.5804948 23970

Crowe Humble Wesencraft

