
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in Redbridge

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in Redbridge. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Anwar Law Solicitors 51.5794821 0.0590725 15740

Anwar Law Solicitors



Laderman & Co 51.5941085 0.0252271 26551

Laderman & Co



Thirsk Winton LLP 51.6093296 0.0222938 15609

Thirsk Winton LLP



Woodford Wise Solicitors 51.5755194 0.0681011 10890

Woodford Wise Solicitors



Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co 51.6079343 0.0333091 27238

Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co



Davis Solicitors LLP 51.58953899999999 0.0818318 20920

Davis Solicitors LLP



Ewan And Co Solicitors LLP 51.5593577 0.0682045 13345

Ewan And Co Solicitors LLP



Whitmore Law Limited 51.5645117 0.0971344 27570

Whitmore Law Limited



Worldwide Solicitors Ltd 51.561886 0.0869167 13684

Worldwide Solicitors Ltd


A.h. Page 51.5815406 0.0744367 21030

A.h. Page


Aj Legal Consultants Ltd 51.5622405 0.0684219 27636

Aj Legal Consultants Ltd



Archbold Solicitors Limited 51.5668022 0.1096555 13712

Archbold Solicitors Limited


Atm Law 51.5662973 0.1102777 22616

Atm Law


Avery Emerson 51.56109009999999 0.0987686 23797

Avery Emerson


Blackslegal Ltd 51.5546669 0.0726459 28565

Blackslegal Ltd



Bs Solicitors Limited 51.5631677 0.067858 14611

Bs Solicitors Limited


Carl Martin Solicitors 51.5634491 0.0692414 21289

Carl Martin Solicitors


Corbin & Hassan (uk) LLP 51.5949788 0.0237787 17750

Corbin & Hassan (uk) LLP


Deen & Co Solicitors 51.5798907 0.0557712 18422

Deen & Co Solicitors


Excel Legal Limited 51.59918210000001 0.1003368 20124

Excel Legal Limited


Gary Jacobs & Co Limited 51.5927295 0.0264507 21544

Gary Jacobs & Co Limited


Gill & Co 51.5678969 0.08417619999999999 25823

Gill & Co


Haider & Hasan Solicitors 51.5578857 0.0716145 13968

Haider & Hasan Solicitors


Hanson Woods Limited 51.56401779999999 0.1105184 16327

Hanson Woods Limited


Hilcrest Solicitors Gb Limited 51.5503063 0.07509249999999999 14117

Hilcrest Solicitors Gb Limited


Ifrahim And Co Solicitors 51.54584639999999 0.07659149999999999 16895

Ifrahim And Co Solicitors


Javed Nazir Solicitors 51.5634491 0.0692414 29423

Javed Nazir Solicitors


Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Ltd 51.5918453 0.02870689999999999 19109

Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Ltd



Khakhar & Co Solicitors Limited 51.5587704 0.07039959999999999 22604

Khakhar & Co Solicitors Limited


Kingdom Law Ltd 51.5453809 0.0728974 27883

Kingdom Law Ltd

