
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Gurneys 52.2218993 1.3418182 25470



Guy Clapham & Co 51.519988 -0.1504293 27211

Guy Clapham & Co


Gwynne Hughes 52.2416993 -4.2579215 26832

Gwynne Hughes


Hague & Dixon LLP 53.9568701 -1.0828274 13667

Hague & Dixon LLP


Haider & Hasan Solicitors 51.5578857 0.0716145 13968

Haider & Hasan Solicitors



Hall Brown Ltd 53.4805808 -2.2429217 13965

Hall Brown Ltd


Halo Legal Services Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3861 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Halo Legal Services Limited have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Halo Legal Services Limited
Halo Legal Services Limited 52.57139919999999 -2.1241771 27511 Halo Legal Services Limited

Halo Legal Services Limited


Hameed & Co 51.5657403 -0.2779681 25206

Hameed & Co


Hamlet Solicitors LLP 51.51673839999999 -0.0676706 16739

Hamlet Solicitors LLP


Hanah Gold Solicitors Ltd 53.69231139999999 -1.6278802 18420

Hanah Gold Solicitors Ltd


Hannah Sparrow Solicitors 51.5360268 0.7110305 20169

Hannah Sparrow Solicitors


Hanratty & Co 52.51466509999999 -3.3139307 25807

Hanratty & Co


Hanson Woods Limited 51.56401779999999 0.1105184 16327

Hanson Woods Limited


Haq Hamilton Solicitors Limited 51.5767801 -0.0115955 19126

Haq Hamilton Solicitors Limited


Harbord & Co

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3861 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Harbord & Co have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Harbord & Co 51.2341004 -0.3419228 4539 Harbord & Co

Harbord & Co


Harbottle & Lewis LLP 51.5103875 -0.1207769 23741

Harbottle & Lewis LLP



Harcus Sinclair Uk Limited 51.5128968 -0.1164244 15384

Harcus Sinclair Uk Limited


Hardings Solicitors Limited 54.9061658 -1.3807164 17606

Hardings Solicitors Limited


Hardmans & Co 51.2237744 1.4024535 24170

Hardmans & Co


Harland & Co Solicitors Limited 53.95987650000001 -1.0775337 21153

Harland & Co Solicitors Limited


Harper & Odell 51.5212084 -0.1018604 30984

Harper & Odell


Harpers 51.5227888 -0.1145376 25148




Harringtons Legal LLP 52.4839776 -1.8930349 19113

Harringtons Legal LLP



Harrisons Solicitors LLP

1 review

Ranked #2938 out of 3861 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Harrisons Solicitors LLP 52.6588797 -3.1479946 22321 Harrisons Solicitors LLP

Harrisons Solicitors LLP



Harris Temperley LLP 51.4943337 -0.2267824 21509

Harris Temperley LLP



Harrop White Vallance & Dawson 53.142611 -1.1956737 26798

Harrop White Vallance & Dawson


Harry Boodhoo & Co 53.43371399999999 -2.2296946 25879

Harry Boodhoo & Co


Harry Suleman Solicitors Limited 53.38499669999999 -2.1430288 13937

Harry Suleman Solicitors Limited


Hart Jackson & Sons 54.1948324 -3.0944145 26790

Hart Jackson & Sons


Hartley & Worstenholme 53.726868 -1.3540945 4619

Hartley & Worstenholme

