
Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Lee Associates 51.4352145 -0.1583731 23465

Lee Associates


Lee Bolton Monier-williams LLP 51.499071 -0.1288581 31210

Lee Bolton Monier-williams LLP


Leech & Co Solicitors Limited 53.44676560000001 -2.3483788 19985

Leech & Co Solicitors Limited


Lee & Company 51.3373398 -0.745737 26058

Lee & Company


Lee & Kan Solicitors 51.5128108 -0.1333249 16034

Lee & Kan Solicitors


Legal Affairs Solicitors 52.5857189 -2.1305488 14921

Legal Affairs Solicitors


Legal Clarity Limited 52.481931 -1.9050475 16959

Legal Clarity Limited


Legal & Property Limited 51.79411529999999 -0.6623874 21672

Legal & Property Limited


Leigh Duncan LLP 51.6107867 -0.6462201 13701

Leigh Duncan LLP


Leslie Trevor Limited 51.1430602 0.2598805 27854

Leslie Trevor Limited


Levenes 51.5982515 -0.1110528 25688




Lever Law Limited 54.776945 -1.5670165 29793

Lever Law Limited


Lewis & Co 53.5416292 -2.1095747 24074

Lewis & Co


Lewis Lewis & Company Limited 51.8198619 -4.4957215 23506

Lewis Lewis & Company Limited


Lewis & Lines 51.7298917 -3.1350601 25417

Lewis & Lines


Lex House Limited 51.5021503 -3.189099 27508

Lex House Limited


Lexmark Legal Ltd 51.5014176 -0.4280008 28397

Lexmark Legal Ltd


Lgss Law Ltd 52.3307391 -0.1854077 15071

Lgss Law Ltd


Liberty & Co Solicitors 51.4831576 -0.0647985 19224

Liberty & Co Solicitors


Liberty Wall LLP 51.541641 0.0019137 31052

Liberty Wall LLP



Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited 52.644292 -0.4956901 13959

Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited


Lightfoots LLP 51.7473849 -0.9786232 20767

Lightfoots LLP


Lincoln Harford Solicitors LLP 51.5531251 -0.3145776 20740

Lincoln Harford Solicitors LLP



Lincoln Watts & Leeding 51.4383237 0.0722863 27881

Lincoln Watts & Leeding


Lindsay Thorne Solicitors Limited 51.69113919999999 -4.1559626 21736

Lindsay Thorne Solicitors Limited


Linklaters LLP 51.5202958 -0.09216869999999999 22226

Linklaters LLP


Linkside Solicitors 51.53401359999999 -0.6587353 19739

Linkside Solicitors


Lipman Karas LLP 51.5179754 -0.1121564 17604

Lipman Karas LLP


Lisa Marie Mcnulty 53.7752402 -2.4792065 24136

Lisa Marie Mcnulty


Lisa Tonge Solicitors 53.524573 -2.396396 23678

Lisa Tonge Solicitors

