I would have given no stars if I could. Stephensons were instructed to represent a disabled client in a discrimination claim against two defendant's. However, their many mistakes and poor decision making ruined the claim's chances of success. They incorrectly named one of the defendant's on the letter and particular's of claim There was a delay sending out the letters of claim to the defendant's which foreshortened the claim's six month limitation date by almost one month. They failed to fully engage in pre action with the second defendant's solicitor and could not engage in any pre action with the other defendant because they had sued the wrong company. They failed to follow up their client's concerns about the evidence one of the defendant's had disclosed which was missing fifteen pages. They wrote a letter to the second defendant's solicitor's which attributed his client with a disability she did not have. They failed to accurately advise which track their client's claim would be allocated to. They did not speak or respond to their client's representative about his concerns for almost a month after, their costly "serve proceedings" strategy , immediately "crashed and burned". The solicitor dealing with the case did not speak or respond to her client's concerns about the "serve proceedings" strategy for around one month, because she was too busy dealing with other matters before going on holiday for two weeks and then was too busy with other work when she returned. They overcharged their vulnerable client, sending the same information to her by letter and email (the cost of which they only admitted at the end of stage three of their complaint procedure).They would not meet their client's representative face to face to discuss his concerns about their performance unless he paid extra for a note taker, (that meeting cost around £1000, around £500 of that amount being for the note taker) which was later refunded but not until the end stage three of the firm's complaint procedure. The would not permit their client to see her case file until the end of stage three of their complaint procedure. They were paid around £17,000 in legal fees for which they failed, despite the weight of evidence being in their client's favour, to successfully prove any of their client's claims. Avoid this firm at all costs. The solicitors involved with this debacle were, Rebecca Topping, Maria Chadwick, Philp Richardson and Neil Ireland Davies.