Collected on:
Bad Debt
We have been dealing with Larken and Co since our business was formed back in 2001 in particular with Lesley Purveur who we have found to be very professional in every way possible. Our latest dealings over a two- and half-year period dealing with a bad debt for the construction of a private tennis court was very challenging, both the defendant and defendant solicitors were totally unscrupulous and no respect for the law. Faced with delays in every aspect of the case Lesley kept the pressure on them at all times, her advice was first class and even when we faced with difficulties was always positive with the outcome. Sometimes totally baffling and frustrated by the unprofessionalism of the defendants solicitors Lesley would come down hard and put them in their place. We are fully appreciative of her service and would recommend her to anyone seeking legal advice in a similar position, Thank you Lesley.
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