
Top 10 Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Commercial Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Km Solicitors Limited 53.5078994 -2.241585300000001 14761

Km Solicitors Limited



Knapman & Co 50.4362339 -3.5664324 26510

Knapman & Co


Kostick Hanan Herskovic LLP 51.57427149999999 -0.0703259 22025

Kostick Hanan Herskovic LLP


Kphp Limited 53.4257789 -2.2379587 17530

Kphp Limited


Kpl Solicitors Limited 51.6184592 0.0038192 13347

Kpl Solicitors Limited


Kpmg Llp 51.5057263 -0.0162178 31576

Kpmg Llp


K P Solicitors Limited 53.0220206 -1.4842903 14986

K P Solicitors Limited


Krish Ratna & Co 51.5005266 -0.3827362 25718

Krish Ratna & Co


Krisinth Solicitors 51.5099431 -0.3601817 13953

Krisinth Solicitors


Ksd Solicitors 51.5842632 -0.35885 15938

Ksd Solicitors


Kts Legal Limited 51.6176184 -0.1102242 17978

Kts Legal Limited



Labrums Solicitors LLP 51.735991 -0.3279281 16916

Labrums Solicitors LLP


Lambe Corner LLP 52.0537139 -2.7189864 13262

Lambe Corner LLP


Lamb & Holmes 52.3975441 -0.729787 26550

Lamb & Holmes


Lamptons Law Solicitors Limited 51.4668962 -0.3736892 14034

Lamptons Law Solicitors Limited


Lancasters Solicitors 51.6022256 -3.3407946 18075

Lancasters Solicitors


Landau & Cohen 51.6605035 -0.3135171 18271

Landau & Cohen


Land Graham Partnership LLP 51.5736978 -0.7749723 21647

Land Graham Partnership LLP


Land Law LLP 53.3883853 -2.3512846 22001

Land Law LLP


Lansdowne Legal 51.3395549 -1.7651613 26718

Lansdowne Legal


Larkin & James 51.3392494 -0.4781203 24583

Larkin & James


Larkman Lodh Solicitors 52.9290961 -1.1039505 20657

Larkman Lodh Solicitors


Las Solicitors 51.7309954 0.676253 14840

Las Solicitors


Latham Commercial Legal Services 51.344435 -2.2443126 21623

Latham Commercial Legal Services


Latham & Watkins (london) LLP 51.51593829999999 -0.08247779999999999 24927

Latham & Watkins (london) LLP


Law And Property Lawyers Limited 51.67034229999999 -1.2847068 19337

Law And Property Lawyers Limited



Lawbriefs Limited 51.4231223 -0.2043401 14445

Lawbriefs Limited


Lawcommercial Trading Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3406 Commercial Property solicitor firms in the UK

Lawcommercial Trading Limited 50.8778101 -1.2519462 14410 Lawcommercial Trading Limited

Lawcommercial Trading Limited


Law Dale (london) Limited 51.51795079999999 -0.0637565 14365

Law Dale (london) Limited


Lawgate Solicitors Ltd 51.5183855 -0.6038967 30746

Lawgate Solicitors Ltd

