I have been a customer of Osmond Gaunt Rose, courtesy of my learned friend Stephen Silverman, since 1991 and have observed the firm transforming to OGR, then OGR Stock Denton and now BBS Law. Throughout this 'era', I have had the pleasure of receiving a professionally diligent and caring service initially from Stephen himself who persuaded me to do a WILL at the tender age of 33!, and his other colleagues; Steve Rosenberg, Priti Shah, Zahra Himani, Tom Sneddon and now most recently we have had the pleasure of drawing on Wale's support for a property related transaction and we wish to extend a very sincere and heartfelt gratitude for his professionally effective and efficient approach which was carried out diligently to our satisfaction for an assignment excellently carried out and he can rest assured that we look forward to further drawing on his services as and when deemed appropriate and applicable. Best wishes from Mo Massouleh and also on behalf of Mr Jahangir Bashiri for whom this latest assignment was coordinated.