My mother moved her affairs from a Chancery Lane firm (with excessive renumeration to match the postcode), to John Baily at this local practice on the advice of a neighbour. John oversaw the migration of her will and a not uncomplicated Trust seamlessly and she spoke very highly of him and went on to appoint him executor of her will. When it came to the administration of her estate this year it was Chris Daynes at Crouch End that was the primary agent of her affairs. Chris was impeccable in the process from nose to tail. He is really personable, patient, very knowledgeable on all matters to do do with probate, estate administration and tax liability. In action, he was exceptionally pro-active and remained focused at all times on acheiving the best results for us as clients, and astute at anticipating any possible difficulties that might hold up the sale of mum's house (which circumstances dictated it had to be sold immediately). Circumventing them ahead of any potential glitches. Always calm and efficient as well as relateable and savvy he worked well with our appointed estate agent and now, at the tail end of the process I can also say that Streathers prices were very reasonable as well. So although marketed as a local solicitors even if I lived in Bexley I would remain with this North London firm.