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Failed in their duty as Solicitors to my Mum's estate.
I was duped into agreeing to allow Hammons to work on my Mum's estate by a young lawyer here who refused to answer my questions honestly.
In that conversation she told me she would be impartial in her work; she said this whilst knowing my co executor is a long term client of Hammons, and that I am not Hammon's client, only my sister the other executor is. Something I have only 11months later been told!
Hammon's are now saying that I am not entitled to have either my legal expenses or my executor's cost reimbursed.
I absolutely do need my own legal advise as one of the 2 executors of Mum's will, especially given that around £30k of Mum's assets were sprited away from her while she was in hospital fighting her life, actions which Hammons continue to withhold the paper work for and which I have repeatedly asked for.
I have been fed false information and valuations. Documents have been withheld and still I am being ignored when I or my lawyer repeatedly ask for them.
In fact as co executor of my Mum's estate, Hammons are treating me like I do not exist especially when it comes to decisions about the assets in Mum's estate. In short this whole affair has been a fiasco from start to finish!
Things change from moment to moment according to the whims of my sister who is instructing Hammons to make my life miserable. All most unprofessional. Approaching Hammon's either politely or aggressively has no effect.
My sister took the bold step of writing to my lawyer directly informing him that I am a drug addict who apparently needs to score daily and that I have no friends, amongst other lies; I am accused by Hammon's of causing unnecessary delays, which are all caused by their gross inefficiency and deceit in withholding documents which I am perfectly legally within my right to request to see in accordance with my duty as an executor!
Emails from the lady lawyer here who duped me into agreeing to let Hammons do this work are littered with spelling and grammatic errors as well as inappropriate commments with no basis in fact.Even professional agents my sister has engaged disagree with her.
A favourite tactic of Hammon's is to get random members of staff to reply to my requests with long verbose emails which ignore ALL relevant issues in order to cause more delay and confusion.
All these tactics, are the kind used by bullies and criminals; so I suggest that if you are neither of these things then you absolutely avoid Hammons to do your business.
Avoid Hammon's if you value either transparency or your sanity!
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