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Fabulous top service
Very happy with the service and help received throughout my case.
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Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.
This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Hrs Family Law Solicitors Limited on ReviewSolicitors.
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You can use this data to see how Hrs Family Law Solicitors Limited performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.
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"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"
The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.
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ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Hrs Family Law Solicitors Limited and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.
You can use this data to see how Hrs Family Law Solicitors Limited compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.
As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:
"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"
The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.
The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:
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Client Reviews
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Very happy with the service and help received throughout my case.
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Matter Type:
Change of name
Collected on:
Very happy with result you got on my thank you for everything you did
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Helped me a lot with my case I am very happy
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Matter Type:
Child Access
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Thank you dealing with my case and getting me the result you said you would much appreciated
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Matter Type:
Children Act proceedings
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This review is for a different branch.
Shocking, my son was directed to this company for legal aid but didnt qualify. Have paid nearly £2000 for nothing so far. Lack of action under instruction and poor advice, fails to respond to emails for weeks. Repeated concerns raised on competency and negligence, was told he'd be passed to someone else but hasn't happened solicitor has lied about issues raised even though evidenced in writiing. Far more but way to much to detail in reveiw, AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Now going to SRA as cannot get a response from MD. Children have gone back to an abusive home because of incompetence and negligence.
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Matter Type:
Child Custody
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This review is for a different branch.
Savannah sparrow of Dudley branch and Amy James of west Bromwich under Ben Herbert (who I only met once) branch have ruined my life. They have single handedly arranged for my abuser to have forever control over my life with my two children being neglected both emotionally and medically. No court bundle was created for my final hearing despite Savannah assuring me that she had prepared one and sent it to the court as they required £2000 to represent me in court (as my legal aid wasn't going to cover it)
No bundle was received by the judge yet the hearing went ahead. I never received any orders after and I've spent since February chasing my order and getting ignored.
You've ruined my life and the lives of my son's. I hope your proud of yourselves.
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This review is for a different branch.
They use my children's emotions on me c100,pso,sfi but didn't submit it to court after paying admit it to court after paying 360 pound for it made my case worse now as my children are at risk!!!
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Matter Type:
Child Access
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This review is for a different branch.
I paid for a letter to be sent before pre proceeding with court route. No indication of letter sent. Poor communication and direction. I paid for solicitor to do this but then they moved me to a trainee one. I had no choice to go with it due to pressure I under. They were supposed to meet for following up appointment which yet to get free of charge as it included. But was met with email with further charges. I not happy for first time basis and thank goodness I haven't gone court with them. Find a better one.
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This review is for a different branch.
If this is legal aid I worry.
They won't look into the case offer comment without bothering with any inquiry. Waiving through your adversary and refusing to challenge them, again without doing the slightest bit of research.
Oh, and they failed to turn up to a meeting or respond to emails.
Find someone else before you regret it.
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Matter Type:
Child Access
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This review is for a different branch.
I employed HRS to deal with a family matter.
I was lied to for 9 months, bank details were photocopied then lost, was not required as I paid cash.
Very little work was done correctly, school boy errors & spelling mistakes on forms submitted to court leading to difficulties.
I was represented at my first hearing by a paralegal, not a solicitor for which I paid.
The solicitor was changed 4 times to my dismay, none of which bothered to read the case notes before I pages more money.
No one in the organisation has a clue as to how much a case costs beforehand even though the company states that they do family law & nothing else.
I was noted/incessantly pestered for money by the finance department even though I paid cash in full in my second meeting.
Management is so detached & doesn't care at all.
Clive Iain Rebbeck, the MD is a complete waste of space & doesn't resolve anything or even respond to a single e-mail.
I was left to defend myself.
I would not recommended these solicitors to anyone else.
From the top down the company are all liars.
Please take my advice & stay away.
Please take my advice
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