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Wilson Browne Llp


Also known as :

  • Wilson Browne Solicitors
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Wilson Browne Llp

How Wilson Browne Llp Compares

Value for money


Limited data.

This firm - 26%
National Average
Poor Competitive Excellent

Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.

This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Wilson Browne Llp on ReviewSolicitors.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask reviewer questions about the value for money they felt they received by using Wilson Browne Llp. These questions include:

  • Value for money (a rating of 1-5)
  • How much were you initially quoted or how much did you expect to pay?
  • Approximately how much did you end up spending for the legal services provided (ignoring disbursements and court fees)
  • Did you think this was underpriced, overpriced or about right?
  • Overall experience

We use data science to amalgamate the answers to these questions and create a ‘ReviewSolicitors score’ out of 100. The above chart representation score is a simple percentage representation of the averaged score across those who have reviewed this law firm.

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Would recommend to
friends and family

National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Wilson Browne Llp and have had a satisfactory experience where they have indicated that they would recommend the services of the law firm to their friends and family.

You can use this data to see how Wilson Browne Llp performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 14%
No 86%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Satisfied with
outcome of matter

National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Wilson Browne Llp and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.

You can use this data to see how Wilson Browne Llp compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 14%
No 86%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Rankings by area of expertise

The rankings below show the areas of expertise that Wilson Browne Llp offers to clients. You can see how good the service offered is in comparison to all other law firms nationally.

Data shown above is based on the reviews and client feedback collected by ReviewSolicitors over the last 12 months.

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Review Sources

Client Reviews


Reviews summary

  • Excellent

  • Very Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Awful


Overall experience

  • Value For Money
  • Communication
  • Initial Impressions
  • Approachability
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Legal knowledge

Matter Type:

Disputed Probate


December 21, 2024

Report to admin

Collected on:

Lied to me and made multiple mistakes.

Wilson Browne (Vicki Pearce) acted as executor for my late mother's estate.
Several mistakes were made. She did not tell me she had made mistakes, I had to challenge her before she confirmed that she had made multiple mistakes. She lied to me re her records and actions.
These mistakes meant that completion of the estate was seriously delayed and cost me around £7000.
The firms internal complaints procedure was very poor, with the complaint being handled by one of those involved in the decision being complained about.
The Legal Ombudsman looked at the case and confirmed the poor service received. However Wilson Browne only received a minor slap on the wrist.

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Matter Type:



June 07, 2024

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Collected on:

Wills and LPAs

Had our Wills rewritten and Legal Power of Attorneys put in place for mysels and wife. Shakira at Northampton branch dealt with our needs and responded to emails in a very prompt manner. Maybe not the cheapest but maybe also not the dearest. You are made aware of the costs beforehand, so choice is always yours. We were very happy with the service we received.

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April 02, 2024

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Collected on:

Avoid at all costs

Avoid at all costs if you need a solicitor to act in your best interests and not their own, financially.

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February 19, 2019

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Collected on:

Totally unprofessional and cannot communicate clearly

Had a terrible experience with Shivali Kapoor in the private client department. She is leaving the firm after getting married and not bothered about how to treat people which doesn't bode well for any future employer! I would have given no star if that was an option! Please avoid using this individual like the plague unless you want to be messed around!

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Matter Type:

Purchase and Sale


November 07, 2018

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Collected on:

Rude, slow and will insult you to your estate agent

The conveyancing at this firm is appalling. I had my offer accepted in May and it is now November and I am still having my emails ignored and I have received a total of 4 emails from my solicitor in this time. I called up for an update in September and my solicitor told me he was out of office and sent an email to my estate agent (who recommended him) at the same time insulting me! Unless you like long, drawn out house purchases with absolutely ZERO communication and updates I wouldn't use this firm. Cannot wait for this to be over.

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Matter Type:

Consumer Disputes


June 15, 2018

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Collected on:

Slower than a turtoise

We have been waiting to exchange for 5 months because of these solicitors. They ask same questions over and over again to delay, they ask silly questions and ask if questions were asked in error just to delay.
These people need to respond quicker to other solicitors and estate agents and need to speed up and stop wasting time.
An exchange should take 8-12 weeks but we are now heading for 6 months by time we move, they can't even give a quick answer to a moving date, 2 weeks away!
They are the worst solicitors I have ever known and would never use them!

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Matter Type:

Purchase and Sale


March 10, 2017

Report to admin

Collected on:


Helped by my flat. Slow. Useless communication. Offer accepted in April completed in August. On a flat with no chain whatsoever on the owners side or on my side. Rediculously slow. Always on holiday/out of office. Then after completion they said I needed to pay more money as they had got their figures wrong. Which I pointed out to them. They actually owed me money. Morons.
Just found out there's no reserve fund in the service charge for my flat which this firm should have pointed out and now I have thousands of pounds of bills headed my way. Rubbish. Do not use them.

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About this branch

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