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How Simpson Millar LLP Compares

Value for money

This firm - 75%
National Average
Poor Competitive Excellent

Excellent does not necessarily mean ‘cheap’. It means that clients thought that the level of service received was Excellent for what they paid.

This score has been calculated using up to the last 300 reviews left by clients of Simpson Millar LLP on ReviewSolicitors.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask reviewer questions about the value for money they felt they received by using Simpson Millar LLP. These questions include:

  • Value for money (a rating of 1-5)
  • How much were you initially quoted or how much did you expect to pay?
  • Approximately how much did you end up spending for the legal services provided (ignoring disbursements and court fees)
  • Did you think this was underpriced, overpriced or about right?
  • Overall experience

We use data science to amalgamate the answers to these questions and create a ‘ReviewSolicitors score’ out of 100. The above chart representation score is a simple percentage representation of the averaged score across those who have reviewed this law firm.

Underpriced 0%
Overpriced 44%
About Right 55%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Would recommend to
friends and family

This firm - 70%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Simpson Millar LLP and have had a satisfactory experience where they have indicated that they would recommend the services of the law firm to their friends and family.

You can use this data to see how Simpson Millar LLP performs against other law firms nationally. A score close to 100% indicates that this firm is highly valued by their clients.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Would you recommend this firm to somebody else?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 70%
No 30%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Satisfied with
outcome of matter

This firm - 70%
National Average
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

ReviewSolicitors uses our community data to show you how many clients used Simpson Millar LLP and were satisfied with the outcome of their matter. Being satisfied with the outcome of your matter is an important consideration to have in mind.

You can use this data to see how Simpson Millar LLP compares to the national average of clients being satisfied with the outcome of their matter after instructing a solicitor.

As part of our review questionnaire we ask the question:

"Were you satisfied with the outcome of your case?"

The reviewer can select either “Yes” or “No”.

The above score is a simple percentage representation of the total amount of clients who selected the “Yes” option:

Yes 70%
No 30%

If you would like to read more about how we work with our review data please see our Transparency section.

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Rankings by area of expertise

The rankings below show the areas of expertise that Simpson Millar LLP offers to clients. You can see how good the service offered is in comparison to all other law firms nationally.

Data shown above is based on the reviews and client feedback collected by ReviewSolicitors over the last 12 months.

Review Sources

Client Reviews


Reviews summary

  • Excellent

  • Very Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Awful


Overall experience

  • Value For Money
  • Communication
  • Initial Impressions
  • Approachability
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Legal knowledge

Matter Type:

Purchase and Sale


September 30, 2023

Report to admin

Collected on:

Good communication

I have used Simpson Milker twice now, both for property sale and purchase and i have been very impressed by their service. I see a lot of negativity on here, but honestly i will use them again should the need arise.

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June 27, 2023

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Collected on:

They couldn’t care less

Very disheartened by the conduct of the clinical negligence department (specifically Simon Wilson). So much time and effort has been put into this to then receive a letter to confirm that your fee earner has disregarded everything you have advised them. Greedy firm just wanting people on their books. Will refer this matter further to the legal ombudsman.

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Matter Type:



October 10, 2022

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Collected on:

Very poor and slow service

Started well but now cant access solicitors. Won't answer calls or Emails, yet quick to send monthly bills.
Divorce case has gone on for too long due to extremely slow response and recently no response at all

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September 26, 2022

Report to admin

Collected on:

Very disappointed...

Let's start with the information that my mortgage offer was due to expire on 17.09 and the purchase of the flat was completed on 16.09...
Simpson Millar was very slow in answering my emails and NEVER answered my calls, except at the end when the company changed the person who was in charge of my case.
I probably asked them 20 times to change the email we are using for correspondence with no success.

We are very disappointed with their managers too as they did not respond to our calls and emails asking for help.

A positive side of our experience with them is that the last persons involved with dealing with our case were good and managed to complete the deal on the last day...

I will advise you, to try to avoid Simpson Millar...

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September 12, 2022

Report to admin

Collected on:

ZERO STARS - Scam and Fraud of a Company.

This company is an absolute shambles - please avoid it completely for any type of legal work.

We instructed Simpson Millar in April for both a sale and a purchase - we have had nothing but problem after problem with them. Their conveyancing department is a complete scam.

This Firm is deceitful, sneaky, has no integrity and definitely no interest in their clients best interests. We have reported them to the SRA and encourage anyone else too for a breach of their code of conduct.

Their CEO does not care less about his clients and this is reflected in the whole company. Communication is dire - you can’t get hold of anyone, emails and voicemails go unanswered for weeks on end.

They constantly put posts out to disgruntled clients asking them to email their (reviews at SM) email address but this is all for show, to seem like they’re doing something about complaints - but I assure you this email address goes unmonitored and unanswered.

The complaints department are chocolate teapots who otherwise may aswell not bother - complaints are not taken seriously and I know I will be going to the ombudsman in 8 weeks time when they fail to resolve anything.

We should have exchanged this week and completed next week but we will be lucky to not have it all fall through now as our solicitor has left and they haven’t assigned us a new one. They have said if you need it doing, to find someone else. Their attitude stinks and we will be taking legal action against SM.

The stress, anxiety and mental health decline this has caused us is shocking and they should be ashamed of themselves.

They have blocked me from their Facebook page after I’ve spoken the truth - and deleted my comments.

Please please avoid - and for others in a similar situation, please report them to the SRA too.

SM when you read this - the sooner you go completely bust the better.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


September 07, 2022

Report to admin

Collected on:

Avoid at all costs!

The process started well, but things quickly started going badly -- the solicitor dealing with my case would disappear at random, completely unannounced, with emails bouncing with "I am now on leave until xx/xx". This meant everything took WEEKS. It took 4 months to get to the point of almost completion, and then the solicitor stopped responding to all communication, from me or from the vendor's solicitors. It was IMPOSSIBLE to get through to anyone at Simpson Millar on the phone except for their reception staff, who were completely uninformed and unable to help. No one seems to respond to emails either. After more than 2 weeks of total silence, I had to find out via a LinkedIn search that the solicitor NO LONGER EVEN WORKS THERE! And no one seemed to know who the case was being assigned to. I am now having to try and switch to another firm, right at the point where I was hoping we would have completed.

Absolutely awful service and no communication whatsoever. Do not recommend, at all.

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


September 07, 2022

Report to admin

Collected on:

Have become worst conveyancers ever!

We have a property portfolio we are reducing by 50% Simpson Millar were undertaking the conveyancing but with the last three properties they have failed to respond. After five weeks waiting for two of the properties to be assigned to someone we asked for our money back! Hopefully the third property will complete but we are very concerned!!

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Matter Type:

Residential Conveyancing


June 22, 2022

Report to admin

Collected on:

I would never use them again. Frustrating and slow throughout.

When your estate agent is suggesting that you should get a different solicitor, there is obviously something wrong. We had an offer on our flat in London in January 2022 but had contacted Simpson Millar in November 2021 to ensure they had everything from us that they needed well in advance, so we could hit the ground running once we had an acceptable offer. The completion was in May 2022. Things started well with Jessica Davies, she called me and I was impressed. She was great to deal with and I sent her all the documents I had by post. However, Jessica left the company and things started to go downhill. What is more, nobody told me Jessica had left until after I had raised a complaint about the service we had received after completion. It started with the inability to ever get anyone on their mobile or desk phones. Every call went to voicemail and despite leaving messages I never got a call back. I was even told that I hadn't made any calls or left any voicemails. Nothing is done electronically so simple things I have done very quickly with other solicitors took an age and were always complicated. After we had an offer we thought things would speed up but they didn't. My estate agent told me one day that the buyer's solicitor hadn't received all of the documents from my solicitor and were therefore unable to ask questions about the property. I assured the estate agent that I had sent all the documents that I had in the post. However, as I lived in a flat with a management company I needed to purchase a 'management pack' from them to give to my solicitor. I immediately did this at a cost of about £500, downloaded it and tried to send it to Simpson Millar by email. Despite the files being small enough to go in one email I couldn't manage to send them so I called Simpson Millar by the number on their website and spoke to a receptionist. I explained the situation and suggested using a courier to send the documents but was advised against this for security reasons. This hadn't been an issue previously when I sent all of the deeds and other documents! I then received a call back from the solicitor's assistant and I said I would divide the documents into two emails so that they would send and was advised to send the emails to Jessica Davies. I said that if I couldn't send them I would contact the property management company and ask if they would send the documents to Simpson Millar directly themselves and call Simpson Millar back to let them know what I had done. Later that day, after dividing the documents into two emails I managed to send them to Jessica Davies. Four weeks later, I was asked by Simpson Millar, by the same solicitor's assistant I had spoken to on the phone, to buy the management pack and send it to them. I replied explaining that I had already done so but would send them again and did so. The files had lain in an email inbox at Simpson Millar for four weeks without anybody checking or asking me if I had sent them, despite me calling and explaining what I was doing. I raised the issue with the solicitor who replied obnoxiously that it was a 'He said, she said situation'. This meant that the completion was delayed because the buyers solicitors were not in possession of all the documents and therefore unable to ask relevant questions. When we asked what questions the buyer's solicitor had asked we were sent a list of numbers but not the questions. I proved that the emails had been sent by using screenshots but Simpson Millar refused to accept that they had been received as Jessica Davies had left the company by that point, despite me being told to email them to her and nobody thinking to ask if I had sent them.
When we asked questions we were continually ignored. My estate agent even sent emails which were ignored. My wife was constantly not copied into emails despite me asking for her to be copied in at all times. I also sent a list of all the furniture and asked Simpson Millar to find out what the buyers wanted me to leave. I was happy to leave everything as we were leaving the UK. This was ignored and weeks later I received an email asking if I had cleared the flat as they buyers only wanted the white goods. I was leaving the country less than a week later and had to give all of the items away on freecycle, including antiques and brand new items. I was leaving a job and preparing to emigrate at the same time so this was a particularly stressful experience. When we asked for an estimated completion date we were shot down and told they would not give one. When we enquired about how long certain documents were taking to obtain we were constantly told that they were 'chasing' them. The estate agent even offered to help, as did I but were told that we had no reason to do so. On one occasion I was so frustrated with the time it was taking to obtain a simple statement I did it myself and received the statement back by email in four minutes. The buyers solicitor asked for an EWS1 form, which explains the materials used in construction of the building and any cladding and is relevant only for buildings built anfer 2010. My flat was built in 1939 and despite myself and the estate agent pointing this out to Simpson Millar they continued to try and obtain a copy for the buyers solicitor, when all they had to do was show by the deeds when the building was built. We were also asked to make an allowance for ground rent and service charges. We obtained a statement from the property management company showing that we were actually in credit due to an overpayment. I pointed this out to our solicitor, more than once and asked for clarity on why we were being asked to pay a sum which we had already paid. The legalese we received in the replies did not clarify the situation and as we were in a rush to sell, we paid the sum and then asked for it to be reimbursed, in order to save time. This was not dealt with until I complained again just over a week ago even though the sale was completed. Simpson Millar also have offers on their website, such as £100 refund if the completion takes longer than three months. I tried to claim this money but was told that the offer ran out in 2021. After a time, they did concede and paid us the £100. However, they later went on to say that the completion was within eleven weeks, which is the national average. I can't see how they made the payment on the grounds that it took more than three months but then stated that it was not.
Every step of this sale was pure frustration, all centred around Simpson Millar. I made a complaint after the completion but as expected, it went nowhere. I have been offered a second level complaint but may bypass this and go straight to a legal ombudsman.
What made all of this worse was that I used Simpson Millar when I bought the flat and was impressed by the standards set by Oliver Cardenes. He was outstanding and I actually thought that this was the bench mark for the company. I was wrong and am sorely disappointed as a result.

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January 07, 2022

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Collected on:

Very poor choice.

My family is attempting to resolve a house sale through this ‘firm’ and I have to say that so far I am utterly disgusted.
Solicitors have a bad reputation among humanity and this firm so far has been the embodiment of the worst of these comments.
Our case simply seemed to fall off the desk, once it was found an apology then new person has been nothing but obstructive.
Not answering phone calls or replying to emails, not replying to other solicitors, seemingly delaying settlement for no sensible reason, (I believe they are paid more for longer time).
Our family is fracturing, and this following the loss of our parents.
I would strongly advise you keep looking.

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Matter Type:

Clinical Negligence


November 24, 2021

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Clinical Negligence case.

I opened up a clinical negligence case on behalf of my daughter in 2011 with Simpson Millar. Had very good communication from the start and everything was always made very clear. Despite the case only closing recently, the level of care and support offered didn't falter during this time. I always felt included, updated and always had great interactions with the staff. I feel like my solicitor (and all those involved) handled my case in professional manner throughout, while also making me feel comfortable to speak openly with them. I am very happy with the commitment and hard work that was put into bringing my case to a successful end. I would definitely recommend using Simpson Millar.

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Reviews collected from



June 15, 2024

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Collected on:


If you are looking for a great solicitor then Eleanor Walker is quite simply amazing. Eleanor was patient, professional, friendly, polite and made the whole experience transparent and straightforward. I would recommend using Simpson Millar solely on the way that Eleanor Walker looked after my case. If you need a fantastic Solicitor make sure you ask for Eleanor, you will be in safe hands

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May 23, 2024

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Collected on:


Very good customer service and kept me updated throughout the process

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May 23, 2024

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Collected on:


Thank for dealing with our protective award you have kept me informed every step of the way , I know that this takes time but the outcome has been worth it .
Thank you again yours
Karl Palmer

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May 22, 2024

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Collected on:


Very pleased with the outcome, kept up to date with all proceedings on a regular basis, all in all a job well done many thanks

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April 23, 2024

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Collected on:


Good communication.. good explanation on every e mail...

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Simpson Millar LLP are accredited by


About this branch


We’ll be transparent about our Solicitors fees so there are no hidden costs or nasty surprises, and we'll communicate with you in plain English every step of the way throughout your case.

Regulated by

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Legal services

Personal areas of law

  • Actions against the police
    • Actions against the police
    • Assault using a Taser gun
    • Excessive force or assault
    • Human rights breaches
    • Malicious prosecution
    • Police negligence
    • Wrongful arrest or false imprisonment
  • Clinical Negligence
    • Accident and Emergency Claims
    • Amputation Negligence Claims
    • Anaesthetic Awareness Claims
    • Birth Defect and Wrongful Birth Claims
    • Birth Injury Claims
    • Birth Injury To Mother Claims
    • Blood Transfusion Claims
    • Bowel Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Breast Surgery Compensation Claims
    • C. Difficile Claims
    • Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Cauda Equina Syndrome Claims
    • Cerebral Palsy Claims
    • Cervical Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Clinical Negligence
    • Cochlear Implant Claims
    • Cosmetic Dentistry Claims
    • Cosmetic Surgery Claims
    • Defective Medical Device Claims
    • Dental Negligence
    • Dental Negligence Claims
    • Dermal Filler Compensation Claims
    • Diabetes Claims
    • Erb’s Palsy Compensation Claims
    • Eye Surgery Claims
    • Failed Sterilisation Claims
    • Fatal Medical Negligence Claims and Inquests
    • Faulty Defibrillator Claims
    • Fertility Negligence Claims
    • GP Negligence Claims
    • Group B Streptococcus Claims
    • Hospital Negligence Claims
    • Knee Replacement Claims
    • Laser Eye Surgery Claims
    • Laser Treatment Claims
    • Lung Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • MRSA Claims
    • Medical Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Medical Negligence
    • Meningitis Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Metal-On-Metal Hip Replacement Claims
    • Misdiagnosed Miscarriage Claims
    • Nerve Damage Claims
    • Nerve Injury Claims
    • Ophthalmic Negligence Claims
    • Oral Cancer Claims
    • Orthopaedic Negligence Claims
    • Ovarian Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Pancreatic Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Periodontal Disease Claims
    • Pregnancy and Gynaecology Injury Claims
    • Pressure Sore Claims
    • Prostate Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Restorative Dentistry Claims
    • Sepsis Negligence Claims
    • Skin Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler Claims
    • Spinal Surgery Claims
    • Stillbirth Compensation Claims
    • Stroke Misdiagnosis Claims
    • Surgery Compensation Claims
    • Surgical and Transvaginal Mesh Claims
    • Testicular Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims
  • Consumer
    • Consumer Disputes
    • Consumer Rights
    • Dispute resolution - civil mediation
    • Litigation - Breach of contract
    • Litigation - Insurance disputes
    • Litigation - M&A and warranty disputes
    • Litigation - Product liability claims
    • Litigation - Property litigation claims
    • Litigation - Trust and pension issues
    • Litigation Law
    • Travel - Airlines going out of business
    • Travel - Falsely advertised accommodation
    • Travel - Holiday Sickness
    • Travel - Travel agents going out of business
    • Travel - Trip cancellation
    • Travel - Unsanitary hotel conditions
    • Travel - Volcanic ash disruption
    • Travel rights
  • Crime/ Criminal Defence
    • Assault
    • Business Crime
    • Criminal Damage
    • Criminal defence - All
    • Domestic violence
    • Drugs offences
    • Legal aid
    • Professional Conduct
    • Regulatory Defence
    • Sexual allegations including Rape and Sexual Assaults
    • Theft
  • Education
    • Education
  • Employment
    • Agency Staff / Temp Workers
    • Constructive/Unfair Dismissal
    • Disciplinary Hearings
    • Discrimination at Work
    • Employee Team Moves
    • Employment Contracts
    • Employment Law
    • Equal Pay Disputes
    • Family Leave
    • Flexible Working
    • Gardening Leave
    • Harassment/Bullying at Work
    • Holiday Pay Issues
    • Maternity and Paternity
    • Military
    • Part Time Workers
    • Pay Issue
    • Pension Law
    • Privacy and Data Protection
    • Professional Discipline
    • Redundancy
    • Restrictive Covenants
    • Senior Executives
    • Settlement Agreements
    • Stress at Work
    • TUPE
    • Tribunal Claims
    • UK Employment Laws
    • Unfair Dismissal Claims
    • Whistleblower Protection
  • Family Law
    • Adoption, Surrogacy, Care and Special Guardianship
    • Asset protection and tax mitigation
    • Child Abduction
    • Child Access
    • Child Arrangements Following Divorce
    • Child Custody
    • Child Law
    • Child Maintenance
    • Child Relocation After Divorce
    • Child contact
    • Children
    • Children Act proceedings
    • Civil Partnership Dissolution
    • Civil partnerships
    • Cohabitation agreements and disputes
    • Cohabitation and Unmarried Relationships
    • Collaborative Law
    • Divorce
    • Divorce After A Brain Or Other Serious Injury
    • Divorce Mediation
    • Domestic Abuse
    • Domestic Violence
    • Elderly care
    • Elderly care home fees
    • Family Mediation
    • Family law
    • Financial Matters
    • Fixed Fee Divorce
    • Grandparents' Rights
    • High Net Worth Divorce
    • Inheritance Act claims
    • Injunctions
    • International Divorce
    • Lasting power of attorney
    • Legal aid
    • Marriage and civil partnerships
    • Matrimonial finance
    • Out Of Court Divorce
    • Parental responsibility, paternity disputes, surrogacy
    • Pension and property advice
    • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
    • Separation
    • Separation Agreement
    • Social Services
    • Unmarried Couples' Rights
  • Housing & Property
    • Anti-social Behaviour
    • Boundary Disputes
    • Buying at auction
    • Declarations of trusts
    • Deeds of Gifts
    • Deeds of easements, variation, deeds of rectifications
    • Dilapidation Claims
    • Evicting Squatters and Trespassers
    • Exclusivity and lock-out agreements
    • Extending your Lease
    • Freehold Enfranchisement
    • Housing Associations
    • Housing Management
    • Housing disputes
    • Injunctions
    • Investment and buy to let properties
    • Landlord and Tenant
    • Lease Extensions
    • Leasehold properties
    • Matrimonial transfers
    • Neighbour Disputes
    • New home purchases and sales
    • Option agreements and conditional contracts
    • Possession and repossession proceedings
    • Property Disputes
    • Purchase and Sale
    • Remortgaging
    • Renting and Tenancy Agreements
    • Repossessions
    • Residential Conveyancing
    • Restrictive Covenants, Easements and Wayleaves
    • Right of First Refusal
    • Right of Way and Rights to Light
    • Right to Manage
    • Service Charge Disputes
    • Service Charge Recovery
    • Tenancy Breaches, Injunctions and Forfeiture Claims
    • Tenant Eviction
    • Transfer of title
    • Transfers of equity
    • Transfers of parts of land
    • Unpaid Rent, Service or Ground Charges
  • Human rights
    • Human rights
  • Money & Tax
    • Inheritance Tax
    • Trusts
  • Personal Injury
    • Accident Abroad
    • Accident At Work
    • Accidents At Sea And Cruise Injury
    • Accidents In Public Places
    • Against The Council
    • Amputation
    • Asbestos Compensation
    • Asbestos Lung Cancer
    • Asbestosis
    • Back Injury At Work
    • Benefits Available To Asbestos Victims
    • Broken Bone Or Fracture
    • Burns, Scars and Lacerations At Work
    • Bus and Coach Accident
    • Car Accident
    • Car Passenger
    • Children's Accident
    • Children's Serious Injury
    • Chronic Pain
    • Cycling Accident
    • Defective Work Equipment
    • Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme
    • Dog Bite
    • Fall From Height
    • Fatal Accident
    • Fatal Asbestos
    • Gym Injury Compensation
    • Head Injury At Work
    • Head and Brain Injury
    • Holiday Accidents and Illness
    • Holiday Sickness and Illness Compensation
    • Horse Riding Injury
    • Industrial Disease Compensation
    • Manual Handling
    • Mesothelioma Compensation
    • Motorbike Accident
    • No Win No Fee
    • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
    • Occupational Asthma
    • Pedestrian Accident
    • Personal Injury Law
    • Pleural Plaques (Scotland)
    • Pleural Thickening
    • Repetitive Strain Injury
    • Road Traffic Accident
    • Road Traffic Accident Abroad
    • Serious Injury
    • Skiing Injury
    • Slips, Trips and Falls
    • Spinal Injury Compensation
    • Sports Injury
    • Supermarket Accident
    • Terrorism Abroad
    • Tinnitus
    • Vibration White Finger
    • Welfare Issues After Serious Injury
    • Workplace Slip and Trip
  • Professional Negligence
    • Accountants
    • Architects
    • Barristers
    • Engineers
    • Financial advisors
    • IT professionals
    • Insurance brokers
    • Professional Negligence
    • Professional Negligence law
    • Professional trustees
    • Surveyors
    • Tax consultants
    • Valuers
  • Welfare & Benefits
    • Mental Health
  • Wills, Trusts & Probate
    • Probate
    • Trusts
    • Wills