My opinion on Minster Law and my experience has been the same as these other reviews, especially that of ‘E’.
In Apr 2022, I was stationary and my car was hit from behind. Police were called and the driver admitted fault.
Sheila’s Wheels (Esure) transferred my call to Minster Law (I didn’t seek them out/choose them) They explained that they take “up to 25%” - later that turns out to be definite 25%. You have to submit everything into a portal (injuries, expenses, losses) so you’re doing all the work. They then don’t contact you. You’ll try contacting them, invariably waiting for over an hour to get through, when they will start asking for information that is already in their portal. ‘Negotiating’ on your behalf means advising the other party that you don’t agree via a different portal, it’s not a conversation and guess where the negotiation amount comes from! Your expenses, not that organised by Minster. I had to have 4 osteopathy sessions at £160. Minster organised (not at my request) 6 physio sessions at £597.50 - how does that compare? But it was my sessions that were “negotiated” at my loss. I found the physio very poor and she used to look up exercises on the internet when I arrived. I honestly did most of these exercises as part of a fitness warm up or cool down. I didn’t need this but was given no choice. When I was advised of my final settlement, I did say that although my payment wasn’t agreed, I’m sure theirs was and the agent said that they had made a loss on the physio but are writing it off. But in my final settlement, it’s been deducted from my total. They cause more aggravation and stress than it’s worth. 2 years and 3 months and it’s still not complete.