
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Newport

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Newport. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Hennah Haywood Law Ltd 51.5872429 -3.0045077 28259

Hennah Haywood Law Ltd



Watkins & Gunn Limited

569 reviews

Ranked #2 out of 23 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Newport

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Kind, professional and honest!"

- 24/10/2024


- 26/07/2024

Watkins & Gunn Limited have 1 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 5

Watkins & Gunn Limited
Watkins & Gunn Limited
Watkins & Gunn Limited
Watkins & Gunn Limited
Watkins & Gunn Limited
Watkins & Gunn Limited 51.5898335 -3.0043917 34113 Watkins & Gunn Limited

Watkins & Gunn Limited



Feakes & Co Ltd

80 reviews

Ranked #3 out of 23 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Newport

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Thank you"

- 30/04/2023


- 22/05/2024

Feakes & Co Ltd have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Feakes & Co Ltd 51.605139 -2.9185668 28752 Feakes & Co Ltd

Feakes & Co Ltd



Robertsons Legal Limited

793 reviews

Ranked #4 out of 23 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Newport

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Robertsons Legal Limited have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Robertsons Legal Limited 51.59015369999999 -2.9995341 44603 Robertsons Legal Limited

Robertsons Legal Limited



Alpine Solicitors 51.5761845 -2.9881057 31569

Alpine Solicitors



Hpjv Solicitors Ltd 51.5872172 -2.9990943 24453

Hpjv Solicitors Ltd



Fountain Solicitors Limited 51.5891647 -3.002688 22712

Fountain Solicitors Limited



Howells Legal Limited 51.5874061 -3.0001378 15878

Howells Legal Limited



Tree Law Ltd

11 reviews

Ranked #9 out of 23 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Newport

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent personal service"

- 03/07/2024

"Defend mitigation request from Trinity Claims for neighbour"

- 08/05/2024

Tree Law Ltd have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Tree Law Ltd
Tree Law Ltd 51.5902664 -3.0107444 36337 Tree Law Ltd

Tree Law Ltd



Everett Tomlin Lloyd & Pratt 51.5898335 -3.0043917 26914

Everett Tomlin Lloyd & Pratt



The John W. Davies Llp 51.5874061 -3.0001378 32325

The John W. Davies Llp



Convey Law Ltd. 51.5869464 -2.9970965 43898

Convey Law Ltd.



Collingbourne Hennah Law Llp 51.5872429 -3.0045077 32453

Collingbourne Hennah Law Llp



Colborne Coulman & Lawrence 51.5872429 -3.0045077 27197

Colborne Coulman & Lawrence



Harding Evans LLP 51.5873131 -2.9983892 23219

Harding Evans LLP



Martyn Prowel Ltd 51.5880158 -2.9950558 38363

Martyn Prowel Ltd



Atkinson Solicitors Ltd 51.5800152 -2.9948233 16065

Atkinson Solicitors Ltd


Dac Beachcroft LLP 51.556912 -3.0306546 30620

Dac Beachcroft LLP


Granville-west Chivers & Morgan 51.6072125 -3.1008342 26863

Granville-west Chivers & Morgan


Jacklyn Dawson 51.5864195 -2.994559 26678

Jacklyn Dawson



Petersons 51.5900287 -2.9813143 17367



Rdp Law Limited 51.60513900000001 -2.9185668 13828

Rdp Law Limited


Wade & Wade LLP 51.59599900000001 -2.9823281 27605

Wade & Wade LLP

