
Top 10 Construction Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Construction solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Tree Law Ltd

12 reviews

Ranked #181 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent knowledge - your go to "

- 09/12/2024

"Excellent personal service"

- 03/07/2024

Tree Law Ltd have Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

Tree Law Ltd
Tree Law Ltd 51.5902664 -3.0107444 36337 Tree Law Ltd

Tree Law Ltd



Adam Benedict Limited

9 reviews

Ranked #182 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 04/01/2025

"Nov 2023"

- 03/12/2024

Adam Benedict Limited have Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

Adam Benedict Limited
Adam Benedict Limited
Adam Benedict Limited
Adam Benedict Limited 51.51522070000001 -0.0813771 39358 Adam Benedict Limited

Adam Benedict Limited



Reliable Law Services Ltd

20 reviews

Ranked #183 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Reliable Law Services Ltd 51.893327 -0.4948656999999999 36411 Reliable Law Services Ltd

Reliable Law Services Ltd



Maddox Legal Limited

18 reviews

Ranked #184 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 10/02/2025


- 10/02/2025

Maddox Legal Limited have 1 Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 8

Maddox Legal Limited
Maddox Legal Limited
Maddox Legal Limited
Maddox Legal Limited
Maddox Legal Limited
+3 more
Maddox Legal Limited 51.5112011 -0.08688789999999999 28119 Maddox Legal Limited

Maddox Legal Limited



Hallett & Co

23 reviews

Ranked #185 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Hallett & Co 51.1485972 0.8714392999999999 26827 Hallett & Co

Hallett & Co



BWL Legal Ltd

22 reviews

Ranked #186 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

BWL Legal Ltd 52.4785688 -1.9003594 31270 BWL Legal Ltd

BWL Legal Ltd



Wannops LLP 50.8341264 -0.7780452999999999 10540

Wannops LLP



Larken & Co

19 reviews

Ranked #188 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Larken & Co 53.07490019999999 -0.8099866 5895 Larken & Co

Larken & Co




8 reviews

Ranked #189 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Graftons 51.4638468 -0.1390091 27901 Graftons




Charles French & Co Limited 50.33807849999999 -4.7933785 17199

Charles French & Co Limited



Dc Kaye Solicitors Limited 51.6995278 -0.7426085000000001 21900

Dc Kaye Solicitors Limited



Jolliffe & Co LLP

46 reviews

Ranked #192 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Jolliffe & Co LLP 53.1898895 -2.8879702 16740 Jolliffe & Co LLP

Jolliffe & Co LLP



Kirkwoods 51.617104 -0.3132774 25113




Birketts LLP

22 reviews

Ranked #194 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Birketts LLP 52.0533771 1.1482121 22597 Birketts LLP

Birketts LLP



Thomas Litigation

19 reviews

Ranked #195 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"No better outcome."

- 13/12/2024

"A refreshingly different experience"

- 07/11/2023

Thomas Litigation have Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Thomas Litigation
Thomas Litigation 51.1271981 0.2600286 33162 Thomas Litigation

Thomas Litigation



Stephens Scown LLP 50.72150749999999 -3.5279287 19069

Stephens Scown LLP



Merit Legal Limited

42 reviews

Ranked #197 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Merit Legal Limited 52.4858556 -1.9023814 14624 Merit Legal Limited

Merit Legal Limited



Wards Solicitors LLP 51.4555173 -2.5938743 26312

Wards Solicitors LLP



Aaron & Partners LLP 53.1924182 -2.8827689 92

Aaron & Partners LLP



Bell Lax Limited 52.557049 -1.8259817 14594

Bell Lax Limited



Berkeley Legal Limited 51.5088206 -0.1447262 30003

Berkeley Legal Limited



Manak Lawyers Limited 51.3746841 0.0988815 6471

Manak Lawyers Limited



Angels Solicitors LLP

5 reviews

Ranked #203 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Angels Solicitors LLP 52.4049358 -1.5106214 20749 Angels Solicitors LLP

Angels Solicitors LLP



Leeds Day LLP

5 reviews

Ranked #204 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Purchase of my first property "

- 18/06/2024

"Recommend for Wills"

- 25/04/2024

Leeds Day LLP have Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Leeds Day LLP 52.3301591 -0.1868697 25706 Leeds Day LLP

Leeds Day LLP



Lester Aldridge LLP

5 reviews

Ranked #205 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Lester Aldridge LLP 50.7249074 -1.8652181 22083 Lester Aldridge LLP

Lester Aldridge LLP



Dlg Legal Services Limited 53.7997182 -1.5442314 15752

Dlg Legal Services Limited



Swabey & Co

6 reviews

Ranked #207 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Excellent experience with Brett Swabey and his team"

- 05/09/2024

"Very pleased"

- 14/02/2024

Swabey & Co have 1 Construction solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Swabey & Co 51.4685764 -0.2106045 23697 Swabey & Co

Swabey & Co



Helix Law Limited

11 reviews

Ranked #208 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Helix Law Limited 50.8281031 -0.1406771 17956 Helix Law Limited

Helix Law Limited



Benchmark Solicitors LLP

4 reviews

Ranked #209 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Benchmark Solicitors LLP 51.5119519 -0.1083413 17584 Benchmark Solicitors LLP

Benchmark Solicitors LLP



Dutton Gregory LLP

10 reviews

Ranked #210 out of 579 Construction solicitor firms in the UK

Dutton Gregory LLP 50.9643244 -1.38942 21018 Dutton Gregory LLP

Dutton Gregory LLP

