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Go elsewhere for house selling.
Daniel kenworthy made several major serious schoolboy errors whilst selling a family home. Causing my mother to lose thousands along with several months of stress.
We basically did his job for him, having to tell him what to do at almost every turn. Absolutely abysmal service, I wouldn't trust him to look after a virus, let alone sell a house. Go elsewhere, folk, and save yourself the hassle, stress, and money.
It left my mother so poorly. Otherwise, we'd have opened up a legal case against him. That's how bad it was.
To sum him up - arrogant,
Unprofessional. Rude & lacked basic knowledge, often contradicted himself in emails & on the phone.
When we raised several complaints, their means of dealing with this was to just say, "go elsewhere" when we were 3/4 way through a sale.
Avoid like the plague would be my advice.
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