In a moment of great misunderstanding, where truth fought deceit, Hannah understood me; and in the midst of confusion, she provided clarity. Hannah was my pillar of reassurance and an agent of justice - through her sense of personal duty and for justice itself. She heard me, guided me, and fought for me from the very beginning until the very end. There is no other solicitor I would have wanted, nor any other that would have been a more supporting shoulder through it all, than her. Thank you, Hannah, and thank you to Churchers Solicitors also for enabling her to carry out her purpose. She went beyond her responsibility as an actor in the system of law, connecting to me as one human to another in the moments that mattered most. I extend to you my fullest of gratitude, and not least because I have learned the value of supporting another in their battle, and the value of listening without judgement to understand, support, and guide. This lesson I will carry with me through my life; one I will never forget, for I have been in the position where my voice once yearned to be heard, and my truth to be believed.